Cuneo: workshop on synergies, 'The psychologist among the banks'
The group 'Psychology and School' Point Information Cuneo, based on the results of survey carried out in schools in the province of Cuneo to probe the reality of the work of the psychologist in the schools in the area, laid the groundwork for the testing of a pilot project at the Institute of Comprehensive 'Duccio Galimberti' of Bernezzo . From this experience we are taken further reflection on the possibilities and modalities of fruitful collaboration between psychologists and school and the implications in terms of comfort and quality. Just to make such
eventually find the Order of Psychologists held a meeting entitled 'The psychologist among the desks. Constructive synergies between psychology and school ', scheduled for Saturday, November 17, starting at 8:30 at the Hall of Residence for the Elderly Activities of' St Anthony ', in the course Nice to Cuneo.
The purpose of the conference are those of reflect on the importance of achieving a sense of common purpose among the educational institution and the Order of Psychologists of Piedmont, to arrive a collaboration between students, parents, teachers, school administrators and psychologists.
certificate of attendance will be issued to persons who request it. E 'request was forwarded to the Department of Education of Cuneo to recognize the event as training for teachers.
It requires registration by mail, by sending their names by November 14 at the following address: .
The event was held under the patronage of the town of Cuneo, Cuneo Social Assistance Consortium, ASL 15, Cuneo Province, Ministry of Education - Directorate General for Regional Piedmont - Cuneo Provincial Education Office.
8.30 am Welcome and registration
8:50 am Opening remarks Peter feathers - Chief Information Point Cuneo
9.00 am Welcome from the President of the Association of Psychologists of Piedmont and Paul Barcucci Authority
PART (Chairman Peter feathers)
9.15 The figure of the psychologist and educational policies Anthony Meduri - Regent USP Cuneo
9.45 ASL 15 The intervention of psychologists in schools Salvatico Louis - Manager ASL 15 SC Psychology
10:05 pm Interventions operators of the Consortium of Social Assistance in the school Cuneo Pierangela Puppi - Head of Territorial Base
10:25 pm The psychologist in the school function, scope, responsibilities, ethical aspects Brustia Piera-Dynamic Psychology Professor-University of Turin
Hours 10:55 Promoting growth: the prevention of discomfort to the psychological well-being Psychotherapist John Cappello, SIPI Analyst, Head Ser.T. - ASL 8
11.25 am 11.40 am Range
survey on collaboration psychologist / school in schools in the Province of Cuneo: reflection on the results Alex Mina - psychologist Psychotherapist evolutionary
12.00 am The projects of the Working Group Psychology and the School ": an Institute Comprehensive" Galimberti D. "by Sonia Bernezzo Chiardola - Psychologist, Psychologist Joan Dellaferrera, Antonella Ghiara - Psychologist, Bruna Franco - Director School Comprehensive School "D. Galimberti "
12.30 pm Debate
13.00 Adjournment
PART (Chairman Gian Sandro Lerda - coordinator of the Working Group 'and School Psychology' Information Point Province of Cuneo)
14.30 pm Round Table 'From saying to doing ': the creation of the theory through the dialogue of Elvio Mattalia Network - Primary School Headmaster, Alessandro Tonietta - secondary school teacher, Miriam Broglia - Kindergarten Teacher, Alessandra Frossasco - President of Association of Parents 'Circle', Mattia Bertaina Student Representative-High School, Lucia Attolico - Coordinator of School Psychology Comm.Regionale Order degliPsicologi Piedmont, Edward Heeley - Psychologist Working Group 'and School Psychology' Information Point Cuneo
16.30 17.00 Closing remarks
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