Special thanks to Luke for giving us a pleasant afternoon after which we left with renewed curiosity ...
And thanks especially to the enthusiastic participants in this class - Alessandra, Antinea, Daniela, Dino, Eliza, Emily, Gabriel, Katie, Loredana, M. Manuela, Manuela S., Mauro, Miranda, Morena, Raphael - who were able to make even the afternoon refreshment break opportunity for the revitalization bioenergetics!
on January 29, 2011 at
Newlife Center - Via dei Platani Plaino of Pagnacco (UD) - www.newlifecenter.it
13:00 to 17:00 hours
January 22, 2011
important notes
Admission to the seminar is FREE!
For security reasons, we reserve only to ask - those who are not already our members - to subscribe to our cultural association (the cost of membership card is € 10 and valid for one year, then up to 31/12/2011 ).
Seminar Intensive bioenergetic exercises conducted by Luca Menossi, qualified psychologists and psychotherapists in training at the SIAB MI, to deepen the contact with oneself and one's body: a first meeting open to knowledge all.
The frequency of classes does not require special skills body, nor any other characteristic than that want to achieve a better quality of life through and in the recognition of body movement as a primary need and spontaneous.
Strongly recommended for anyone who follows motor eltre disciplines and more structured training, but also and especially for those who need to rediscover their potential give up, the lessons provide an effective tool to combat stress, muscle stiffness, emotional instability and to increase its efficiency and earn a progressive and personal well-being and self-awareness.
In any healthy adult voluntary movement and involuntary movements are finely coordinated to give rise setsso time to conduct smooth and efficient.
True harmony can not be learned, however, and the only way to reach it is to increase the motility of the body by supplementing with self-awareness.
According to Alexander Lowen just so you can reach by a high degree of self-control that seems to be "the hallmark of every person harmonious."
Due to staff training and integration process to identify the body, avoid flying with the head and sometimes even threatening to take off, we are offered the opportunity to expand the horizons of their own self-expression.
Only in this way, thanks to the embedding in the legs, the deeper breathing and the achievement of the state of vibration, it will be possible once lightened over time the body of chronic tension and stiffness, to achieve an amazing state of Wellness and vibrant vitality.
(Mariantonia GOBBI, The memory of the body)
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