ISTANBUL - 25th World Congress on Research in Dance - CID UNESCO
We have been silent for good luck the participation of Alessandro and Costanza at the 25th World Congress on Research in Dance organized by the International Dance Council CID UNESCO, held in Istanbul from 7 to 11 April this year ( ).
Now we can finally reveal that instead, covered with tulips in Istanbul to celebrate his nomination as European Capital of Culture for the year 2010, Alessandro was able to present (with no little emotion!) The first "prepared" the His research on the expressive potential of the dance scene, bringing in a piece of improvisation entitled "OR MAYBE NOT - Hersey Kendi içinde zittini barındırmaktadır" (or maybe not - Everything has its opposite) http://www.facebook .com / l.php? u = http% 3A% 2F% 2F2010WorldDanceCongress%% h = 87981 & 2Fsunumlar08_48.html ).
What is a good omen?
We hope so!